Hearing Blog

Stay updated with the latest news regarding your hearing.

Yoga Can Help Keep You and Your Ears Fit!

Yoga Can Help Keep You and Your Ears Fit!

September 16, 2024

Yoga is an ancient physical activity that originates from India. It uses a combination of various poses inspired by nature to help stretch the body’s various muscles to bring about fitness, harmony, balance, and inner peace. It helps improve your blood circulation, is a remarkable stress buster, and even helps you lose weight. Using yoga in collaboration with meditation has been shown to even reduce the symptoms of tinnitus and keep up your hearing health.

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Do Not Neglect Testing Your Hearing

Do Not Neglect Testing Your Hearing

August 15, 2024

When it comes to hearing loss, many of us tend to bury our heads in the sand like ostriches, so to speak, in order to avoid bad news! Unfortunately, neglecting our hearing will only make it worse. We always deny that our hearing is bad and put off getting a hearing examination, when in reality we would be a lot better off if we tested our hearing in a timely manner.

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Take a Friend Along While Testing Your Hearing

Take a Friend Along While Testing Your Hearing

July 15, 2024

Having our hearing tested can be a nerve-wracking experience! No one wants to find out that they have hearing loss, but having some moral and emotional support can make this experience a lot better. This is why it is a good idea to take a friend along with you when you go for a hearing exam.

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Listen to Music Safely to Prevent Hearing Loss

Listen to Music Safely to Prevent Hearing Loss

June 17, 2024

Hearing loss can occur at anyone at any point in their lifetime. It can be gradual or sudden, and can range from mild to severe. It can be triggered by certain types of medications, viral infections, other illnesses, genetics, or in many cases, exposure to loud noises. We may not consider music as “noise” per se but listening to music at an excessively loud volume over time can cause damage to your hearing.

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Accepting Hearing Loss

Accepting Hearing Loss

May 15, 2024

You have been unable to hear for a while. You get the nagging sensation that you may have a hearing difficulty but seem to be unable to come to terms with this fact. Hearing loss can be a difficult reality to accept, but once you accept it, you will be able to take ownership of your situation and live life to the best of your ability.

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Restaurants Need Not be a Challenging Environment for Those with a Hearing Impairment

Restaurants Need Not be a Challenging Environment for Those with a Hearing Impairment

April 15, 2024

People with hearing loss are often reluctant to attend dinner invitations at restaurants. Eating joints are often accompanied with loud music that may be fun for those with regular hearing, but are challenging for those with hearing loss.

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Tinnitus and Hearing Loss are Two Sides of the Same Coin

Tinnitus and Hearing Loss are Two Sides of the Same Coin

March 15, 2024

Tinnitus is the constant feeling of ringing or buzzing in the ears in the absence of any present auditory stimuli in your surroundings. This condition affects around 20% of people in the United States and is significantly higher (60%) for veteran soldiers who have faced combat. The Hearing Health Foundation states that a vast majority (90%) of people who have tinnitus also have some form of hearing loss.

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Exploring Muted Hearing

Exploring Muted Hearing

February 15, 2024

The most frequently reported symptom of a hearing impairment is the sensation of muffled hearing. A person with hearing loss often loses their hearing gradually, and initially they may simply feel as though the sounds around them seem softer than before. Muted hearing is not a reason to jump to the conclusion that you must be suffering from hearing loss, since muffled hearing can be caused due to several other reasons.

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We Live in a Noisy World

We Live in a Noisy World

January 15, 2024

From the moment we wake up to the moment we go to bed at night, our ears are subjected to various levels of sound, whether we are aware of it or not. Most of the time, the sounds we hear are filtered out so that we only pay attention to the sounds we need to respond to. The problem is that the noisier our world gets, the more noise pollution occurs and the higher our chances are of getting hearing loss.

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Getting New Hearing Aids

Getting New Hearing Aids

December 15, 2023

Hearing aids are a wonderful way to get back in touch with your lost world of sound. It is amazing to be able to enjoy the sounds you were missing out on due to your hearing loss. Sometimes, we may be so eager to rejoin our world of sound that we may overlook some necessary measures.

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Noises at Your Place of Work

Noises at Your Place of Work

November 15, 2023

Who knew that even going to work can be harmful for your hearing?! Some workplace noises are actually loud enough to cause permanent hearing damage over time, so it is a good idea to become aware of these noises and take steps to protect your hearing to prevent any damage.

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Permanent Hearing Damage Resulting from Ear Infections

Permanent Hearing Damage Resulting from Ear Infections

October 16, 2023

Ear infections are a generic name given to any ailment that affects the ears, but in medical terms they are called otitis media. These infections are common both for children as well as adults and usually result from other secondary infections and viruses, be it sinus problems or influenza. You may be surprised to learn that even teeth problems can cause ear infections!

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Loss of Hearing and Nutrition Habits

Loss of Hearing and Nutrition Habits

September 15, 2023

Hearing loss is the third most prevalent health issue in America and affects around twenty percent of Americans. People may not notice it at first since it occurs gradually, but hearing loss can result in severe mental and physical health problems such as depression, anxiety, dementia, and cardiovascular disease.

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Getting Your Hearing Tested Professionally

Getting Your Hearing Tested Professionally

August 15, 2023

Nowadays it is possible to get a hearing test simply with the click of a button, seated in the comfort of your own home. Unfortunately, as convenient as these online hearing evaluations may be, they do little in helping to accurately identify and treat your hearing difficulty. This is why it is important to get your hearing tested by qualified and licensed hearing care experts.

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Summer Time Might be Rough on Your Ears

Summer Time Might be Rough on Your Ears

July 17, 2023

Summer is finally here! This means loads of exciting activities that you may have planned for you and your family. Even though summer means fun in the sun, it can also be difficult on your hearing. People often take care of their skin and focus on remaining hydrated during the summer months, but most people neglect their hearing. A few precautions can help protect your ears so that you can have a fun summer without suffering any hearing damage.

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Getting Hearing Aids for the First Time

Getting Hearing Aids for the First Time

June 25, 2023

Your hearing examination results are back and it looks like you will be getting hearing aids to rectify your hearing loss. This can be an exciting time of your life but it can also make you nervous since it is a big change. First of all, congratulate yourself on taking proactive steps to rectify your hearing problem. Make sure you attend all your follow-up sessions with your audiologist and before you know it, you will be well on your way to getting back to the world of hearing once more.

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Methods of Keeping your Hearing Aids Clean

Methods of Keeping your Hearing Aids Clean

May 15, 2023

The weather is finally beginning to warm up. This means that it is time to spring clean your home as well as your hearing aids. Your hearing aids help you lead a comfortable life, so it is time to take good care of them so that they can continue to function at their optimal level.

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Using Hearing Instruments

Using Hearing Instruments

April 15, 2023

Hearing aids are tiny devices with monumental benefits. Hearing aids provide improved hearing abilities for those with hearing loss, yet are so simple to use. Rarely do we stop and think about the way in which these tiny miraculous devices work.

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The Required Frequency of Testing Your Hearing

The Required Frequency of Testing Your Hearing

March 17, 2023

People are often encouraged to get their hearing tested to detect early signs of hearing loss. What they are often unaware of, is the required frequency of these tests. Nowadays, hearing tests are provided right from the beginning of life itself, when we are newborns. Throughout the years of childhood hearing tests are also provided, but after we grow up, we often take our hearing for granted and never schedule hearing tests as regularly as we should.

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Prevalent Concerns Related to Hearing Loss

Prevalent Concerns Related to Hearing Loss

February 20, 2023

A common concern that most people ignore is the presence of tinnitus, which is the constant sensation of ringing or buzzing within the ears. Tinnitus can be a precursor to hearing loss, so make sure you get it checked by a hearing professional during your next hearing test.

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Hearing Examinations Help Keep you Socially Active

Hearing Examinations Help Keep you Socially Active

January 15, 2023

Hearing loss is a problem that affects 1 in 3 Americans over the age of 65. If you are 75 years or above, there is an alarming 50% likelihood of your experiencing some type of hearing loss! Early detection of hearing loss can help you take the right course of action to get your life back on track.

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Hearing With Hearing Aids

Hearing With Hearing Aids

December 25, 2022

Hearing loss can be an unnerving and uncomfortable experience. It can be frustrating and isolating as well, since no one quite understands what you are going through. Hearing loss gives rise to a host of physiological and mental difficulties. This is why it is important for you to get your hearing tested to see if you can benefit from hearing aids.

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Ear Infections and their Preventive and Curative Measures

Ear Infections and their Preventive and Curative Measures

November 15, 2022

Ear infections are often a nuisance and can happen to anyone at any point of time. This infection is most prevalent in younger children, with around 5 out of every 6 child being afflicted by some sort of ear infection by the time they are three years of age. This finding was reported by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders.

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Loss of Hearing Triggered by Stress

Loss of Hearing Triggered by Stress

October 17, 2022

People are often unaware that hearing loss can be triggered by chronic stress. Even though stress is often an inevitable part of our lives, we can learn effective ways to handle stress so that it does not contribute to health problems and conditions such as hearing loss.

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Contemporary Hearing Devices

Contemporary Hearing Devices

September 15, 2022

Hearing aids have been undergoing drastic changes over the decades. Latest hearing aid technology enables your hearing instruments to automatically adjust sound settings based on the environment you are in. However, your hearing aids do not have a brain of their own so they may not always be aware of your specific wants and hearing needs at any given moment.

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Hearing Health is Important

Hearing Health is Important

August 15, 2022

Our sense of hearing is important in helping us keep pace with everything that goes on in our daily lives. Be it those sweet whispers from our spouse or the tinkling laughter of our children, the sounds of our daily lives is what really makes our world go round. Imagine a world where those sounds slowly began fading into nothing but silence due to hearing loss.

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Hearing Aids for a Happier Life

Hearing Aids for a Happier Life

July 15, 2022

Happiness brings to mind so many memorable moments spent with the people we love. We think about the days we spent on vacations, family dinners, and special dates with our partner. Rarely do we think about the fact that none of these memorable moments would be quite as memorable if we did not have our hearing aids.

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Keep Your Hearing Aids Safe this summer

Keep Your Hearing Aids Safe this summer

June 15, 2022

We all love it when it gets warm outside. We get to go out and bask in the sun and engage in our favorite summer activities. Even though summer can bring on a host of fun activities, it can be challenging and rough on your hearing aids. Keep these simple recommendations in mind so that your hearing aids can have a fun and safe summer.

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Keeping your Hearing Devices Clean

Keeping your Hearing Devices Clean

May 16, 2022

Hearing aids are a joy to have around since they enable us to hear the sweet sounds of our everyday life. To keep them functioning at their optimal level, it is important that we take good care of them and clean them on a regular basis.

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Healthy Ears Means Healthy Hearing

Healthy Ears Means Healthy Hearing

April 15, 2022

Hearing loss is an irreversible condition, and as they say, prevention is always better than the cure. This is why it is important to protect your hearing by taking steps to make sure your ears remain healthy.

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Stopping Dementia in its Tracks

Stopping Dementia in its Tracks

March 15, 2022

Dementia currently affects 47 million people around the globe. By 2050, this rate is supposed to increase to a whopping 131 million people worldwide! With so many people affected by cognitive decline caused by dementia and Alzheimer’s, it would be prudent to learn more about how to prevent it.

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Indicators of Hearing Damage

Indicators of Hearing Damage

February 15, 2022

We often take our hearing for granted, but our sense of hearing is actually the quickest sense of all! Our brain takes only around 0.05 seconds to process any type of sound, whereas it takes up to 0.25 seconds to process any visual image. This makes our hearing the swiftest sense we possess, which also makes it prone to damage.

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The Reality of Hearing Loss

The Reality of Hearing Loss

January 17, 2022

The world of hearing loss is often plagued with numerous amounts of misinformation and myths, which add to its unnecessary stigma. It is important to learn the facts about loss of hearing as well as the use of hearing aids so that we can help ourselves and our loved ones in times of need.

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Wearing Hearing Aids and Glasses Simultaneously

Wearing Hearing Aids and Glasses Simultaneously

December 15, 2021

People who are new to using hearing aids are often concerned about whether they will be able to use them in collaboration with their glasses, especially if they have the behind-the-ear (BTE) style of hearing aids. Thankfully, this concern may not necessarily be that big of a problem.

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The Hearing Powers of the Average Human

The Hearing Powers of the Average Human

November 15, 2021

Human hearing is a complicated process. Our range of hearing frequency is measured using Hertz (Hz), while our ability to identify sounds is measured using Decibels (dB). Our ears are delicate organs, and the process of hearing is as sensitive as it is intricate.

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Boost Your Cognitive Skills by Protecting Your Hearing

Boost Your Cognitive Skills by Protecting Your Hearing

October 15, 2021

Age has a way of slowing down all the basic processes of our body, including our cognitive skills. Over time, we face health problems such as dementia as well as Alzheimer’s disease, which can take away our sense of independence and even rob us of our precious memories. What is often ignored is the fact that hearing actually plays a huge role in maintaining our cognitive health.

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Ways to Confirm Hearing Loss

Ways to Confirm Hearing Loss

September 15, 2021

Hearing loss is a difficult truth to accept, no matter how old you might be. It is important to know that early intervention gives you the best outcomes and a higher chance of getting back to a normal life. The longer you wait, the lower your chances of getting effective treatment for your hearing loss.

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Preserving Your Auditory Health

Preserving Your Auditory Health

August 16, 2021

Hearing loss is a condition that cannot be undone in most cases. This is why it is important to protect your hearing while you still can. The ears are very delicate organs that can be easily damaged due to too much noise. This is why it is imperative that you engage in auditory protection to preserve your hearing.

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Hearing Protection

Hearing Protection

July 15, 2021

Hearing damage is caused due to numerous reasons, but one of the major causes of hearing loss is exposure to unsafe levels of noise over a prolonged period of time. Since noise-induced hearing loss is irreversible, it is important that we learn about effective techniques to protect our hearing.

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Future Solutions for Tinnitus and Hearing Damage

Future Solutions for Tinnitus and Hearing Damage

June 15, 2021

Hearing loss is a major problem in today’s world, with around half a billion people affected by it across the globe. Loss of hearing can cost us our mental and physical health, and even put us at risk of sustaining injuries due to falling.

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Handling Blocked Ears

Handling Blocked Ears

May 17, 2021

There are times when our ears feel clogged up due to a number of reasons. You may feel the way you do on an airplane, where your ears feel blocked due to changes in air pressure. You might even have tried to yawn or swallow in order to get your ears to pop, but to no avail. If your ears are blocked, there may be more serious reasons behind it.

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Protect Your Hearing from Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Protect Your Hearing from Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

April 15, 2021

Hearing loss is a significant problem in the United States today. Our ears are constantly exposed to unsafe levels of loud noises each day, which can result in permanent hearing damage.

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Using Hearing Instruments in a with Pets at Home

Using Hearing Instruments in a with Pets at Home

March 15, 2021

Pets can be a wonderful addition to your family, but their curious nature may be detrimental for your hearing aids when they begin to use them as chew toys! Having a house full of pets can be a lot of fun, but it is important to take good care of your hearing aids to make sure they remain safe at all times.

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Motivations to Help Get Your Hearing Tested

Motivations to Help Get Your Hearing Tested

February 15, 2021

Hearing loss affects 40 million people in the United States. This makes it a very common health condition, which means that you do not need to feel shy about admitting to your hearing loss. It is sad that people with hearing loss wait for as long as ten years before they finally decide to get help for their condition. There are several reasons why you need not wait that long.

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Hearing Loss Can Contribute to Diabetes

Hearing Loss Can Contribute to Diabetes

January 15, 2021

Hearing loss is a common problem in America today, with 44 million Americans being affected by it currently. We are all aware of many of the dangers that can lead to hearing loss, such as loud noises and aging, but did you know that hearing loss is also linked to diabetes?

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Hearing Loss Can Contribute to Diabetes

Children Can Benefit From Hearing Aids

December 15, 2020

As much as the thought saddens us, hearing loss can affect infants from birth. As much as 840 newborn babies are born with hearing loss every year. This makes it imperative that children have accessibility to healthcare that involves hearing health. Hearing loss affects 34 million children across the globe, and this condition can adversely impact their personal, academic, and professional development as they grow.

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New Technology Can Measure Tinnitus

New Technology Can Measure Tinnitus

November 30, 2020

A technology called functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) can be used to objectively measure tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, according to a new study published November 18 in the open-access journal PLoS ONE by Mehrnaz Shoushtarian of The Bionics Institute, Australia, and colleagues.

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Helping Your Loved One Seek Help for Their Hearing Loss

Helping Your Loved One Seek Help for Their Hearing Loss

November 16, 2020

Hearing loss is challenging not only for those who have it, but also for those who have to see their loved ones go through it on a daily basis. You may be concerned and wish to help your loved one overcome the challenges they face due to their hearing loss, and there are ways you can help them get the help they need.

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Losing Your Ability to Communicate due to Hearing Loss

Losing Your Ability to Communicate due to Hearing Loss

October 15, 2020

Hearing loss brings with it a host of problems, ranging from the physical problems such as cardiovascular disease to falling down, to mental ones such as depression and anxiety. It may also result in the loss of your ability to communicate, which is known as aphasia.

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The Actual Cause of Hearing Loss

The Actual Cause of Hearing Loss

September 15, 2020

Many of us are aware of what hearing loss is and how it affects people on a daily basis. What few of us knew, until now, was what the exact physiological prerequisites are that result in hearing loss. Scientists from Harvard Medical School have recently reported in a study, that our sense of equilibrium and hearing is affected by a protein known as TMC1.

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Keeping Your Ears Clean

Keeping Your Ears Clean

August 17, 2020

We all find it difficult to hear sometimes because of too much earwax. However, the steps we take in order to clean our ears often makes our hearing worse. Using cotton swabs or q-tips to clean out your ears is possibly the worst solution, not to mention quite a dangerous one. You might find it hard to believe, but your ears actually have the ability to keep themselves clean!

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The Battery Life of Hearing Aids

The Battery Life of Hearing Aids

July 15, 2020

You are in the middle of a vital meeting, and suddenly you hear the dreaded notification signaling that your hearing aids have low battery! This may be annoying and catch you off guard, but with a little awareness and preparation, you may be able to avoid these awkward situations.

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Hearing Loss Can be Exhausting

Hearing Loss Can be Exhausting

June 15, 2020

Have you ever found yourself feeling drained after a day, even though you have not been participating in any physically challenging activity? Do you find yourself exhausted simply after having conversations with your friends and coworkers? Do you need to strain in order to catch parts of the conversation? Hearing loss could be at the root of all your problems.

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Treat Hearing Damage to Boost Cognitive Wellbeing

Treat Hearing Damage to Boost Cognitive Wellbeing

May 15, 2020

Hearing loss does not simply mean being unable to hear a few sounds each day. It means slowly beginning to feel excluded during family gatherings, being ridiculed behind your back, and becoming increasingly isolated as others no longer understand the sheer loneliness of being unable to hear.

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Happiness Decreases due to Untreated Hearing Loss

Happiness Decreases due to Untreated Hearing Loss

April 15, 2020

People often take their hearing problem lightly, laughing it off as nothing serious. But nothing could be further from the truth, since hearing loss is the third most prevalent health condition in America! Recent research shows that hearing loss that goes untreated can have a detrimental effect on your overall satisfaction and happiness.

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The Reactions of the Brain towards Hearing Impairment

The Reactions of the Brain towards Hearing Impairment

March 16, 2020

Recent research suggests that hearing loss can actually have a physical impact on the structure of the brain. The University of Colorado recently conducted research that discovered that the auditory cortex in the brain is not devoted to hearing abilities, as was once believed.

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Heal Your Relationships by Healing Your Hearing Loss

Heal Your Relationships by Healing Your Hearing Loss

February 17, 2020

Presbycusis is the name given to hearing loss that is sustained as a result of advanced age and affects a vast number of Americans. Although hearing loss can affect anyone at any point in their lives, presbycusis can be exceptionally challenging due to several other changes that occur in one’s life as a result of aging.

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Research - Reducing Hearing Loss Risk with a Healthier Diet?

Research - Reducing Hearing Loss Risk with a Healthier Diet?

January 23, 2020

Investigators from Brigham and Women's Hospital have found that eating a healthy diet may reduce the risk of acquired hearing loss, according to a press release from the Hospital posted on EurekAlert.

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Living with Freedom despite Hearing Loss

Living with Freedom despite Hearing Loss

January 15, 2020

Hearing loss is a common problem in the United States today, affecting around 44 million Americans. Given that it is the third most common health condition in America, it should not come as a surprise that you have a 50% likelihood of being afflicted with hearing loss if you are aged 75 and above.

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Hearing Health Should be on Your Resolutions List

Hearing Health Should be on Your Resolutions List

December 16, 2019

We all love waving goodbye at the year that has gone by, while looking forward to the brand new year by making new promises and resolutions. We think about ways to improve our physical health, our communication skills, and even our jobs, but seldom do we take a moment to include hearing health as part of our new year’s resolutions.

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Hearing Aids can Enhance Independence for the Elderly

Hearing Aids can Enhance Independence for the Elderly

November 15, 2019

Many of us are looking forward to retirement after leading an active and busy life. From childhood, we pursue our academic goals. As young adults, we strive to reach our fullest potential in our respective careers.

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The Connection Between Alzheimer’s and Hearing Loss

The Connection Between Alzheimer’s and Hearing Loss

October 18, 2019

Every family touched by Alzheimer’s disease knows how much it can take over the lives of the people that have it. Knowing how many people it affects and how much an influence it has on people’s lives, many researchers have devoted years trying to better understand the disease.

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ReSound tech tips for Smart 3D app and iOS 13 compatibility

ReSound tech tips for Smart 3D app and iOS 13 compatibility

October 15, 2019

The ReSound Smart 3D and Smart app platforms, and all compatible hearing aids, are now verified compatible with iOS 13.1.2. But there are still some iOS and iPhone related defects as well as changes to iOS behavior which may impact our users.

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Underlying Health Conditions that Result in Hearing Loss

Underlying Health Conditions that Result in Hearing Loss

October 15, 2019

Hearing loss is often viewed as a natural part of aging or an effect of prolonged exposure to unsafe levels of noise. There may also be several other undiagnosed health conditions that may be causing your hearing loss. It is important to take a moment to see what other causes may result in hearing damage.

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Hearing Loss May be the Culprit behind Memory Problems

Hearing Loss May be the Culprit behind Memory Problems

September 16, 2019

We are often quick to blame our failing memory whenever we have trouble recalling things. Seldom do we stop to consider that we may not even have heard the information in the first place! A recent study from the Canadian Journal on Aging explored how the symptoms of hearing loss can often be confused as memory loss.

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It is Never Too Late to Get Hearing Aids

It is Never Too Late to Get Hearing Aids

August 15, 2019

People who pass a certain age, tend to have this mistaken belief that they might be “too old” to actually get hearing aids. In reality, there is no such thing as being too old. Conversely, you can never be too young to start using them either since some children are born with hearing loss.

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Dealing with Hearing Damage at Work

Dealing with Hearing Damage at Work

July 15, 2019

Hearing loss affects around 48 million people in America, out of which 60% of the cases take place as a result of working in noisy environments. Even though working in places that have too much noise can be a challenge for even, it can be especially difficult for those with hearing loss.

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The Process of Getting Hearing Aids

The Process of Getting Hearing Aids

June 18, 2019

Hearing aids are a handy tool to help people with hearing loss get their life back on track. Several people do not get hearing aids out of the fear that they may actually worsen their hearing even further. Nothing can be further from the truth.

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Enjoying Festivities despite Hearing Loss

Enjoying Festivities despite Hearing Loss

May 15, 2019

People with hearing loss often shy away from social gatherings and events involving large crowds. Hearing loss can be an isolating and embarrassing condition and people with hearing loss often feel uncomfortable and out of place being unable to hear what is going on and constantly having to ask others to repeat themselves. Read on to see what you can do to enjoy yourself without worrying about your hearing problem.

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Find Your Balance Using Hearing Instruments

Find Your Balance Using Hearing Instruments

April 15, 2019

In America, hearing loss affects 1 in 3 people of the elderly population (65 years and older). After 75 years of age, approximately half of the elderly people in America have some type of hearing impairment. Hearing loss that results from advanced age is known as presbycusis.

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Losing Your Memory May Actually Mean You Have Hearing Loss

Losing Your Memory May Actually Mean You Have Hearing Loss

March 15, 2019

Several studies have demonstrated a link between hearing loss and dementia. In fact, the Canadian Journal on Aging recently published a study that explores this link, but with a twist.

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Threats to Hearing Aids

Threats to Hearing Aids

February 15, 2019

Hearing loss becomes a thing of the past once you get hearing aids. With proper care and precaution, your hearing aids can help improve all aspects of your life for the rest of your days. Take good care of your hearing aids so that they can take good care of your hearing needs.

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Intermittent Tinnitus

Intermittent Tinnitus

January 15, 2019

Tinnitus is a condition which causes phantom ringing and buzzing sounds in the ears. Around 45 million people in America are affected by this condition, and around 90% of them have a comorbid condition of some form of hearing damage, as per the American Tinnitus Association.

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Physical Health Ailments can Result in Hearing Loss

Physical Health Ailments can Result in Hearing Loss

December 17, 2018

Hearing loss is often caused by other unerlying medical conditions. Those with diabetes tend to have twice the likelihood of having some form of hearing loss, based on a report by the American Diabetes Association. Similarly, several other health conditions can also result in hearing loss.

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Chemotherapy Medications that may Damage Hearing

Chemotherapy Medications that may Damage Hearing

November 15, 2018

Chemotherapy is already quite a struggle for those who are dealing with cancer. Recent research has also found that certain medications used during chemotherapy tend to cause hearing loss as a side effect. Although these medications may have helped effectively deal with cancer, it may lead to damaged hearing.

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Hearing Impaired Individuals Face Negative Perceptions from Others

Hearing Impaired Individuals Face Negative Perceptions from Others

October 15, 2018

Hearing loss is an isolating and difficult condition to deal with. Unfortunately, hearing loss has a compounded effect of being doubly difficult due to the negative perceptions that other people have about hearing impaired individuals.

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How to Enjoy the Movies or Live Theater with Hearing Loss

How to Enjoy the Movies or Live Theater with Hearing Loss

October 15, 2018

People with hearing loss are often nervous about going to the movies. They fear they won't be able to understand the dialogue over the booming soundtrack, so they often wait for a film's digital copy that they can watch in the privacy of their own home with the captions on.

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The Ideal Age for Hearing Tests

The Ideal Age for Hearing Tests

September 17, 2018

Being able to hear is one of the most fundamental abilities we rely on to function in this world. As children, we often go through screenings to check for hearing loss starting from birth right through the early school years. As we grow older, we begin to take our hearing for granted, which could be a grave error on our part.

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Nutritional Boosts for Healthy Ears

Nutritional Boosts for Healthy Ears

August 15, 2018

Nutrition does more than keep our body and mind fit. It can even help boost our sense of hearing and even prevent hearing damage! Here are some vital foods that can help you keep your hearing intact for all your years to come. Hearing loss is a permanent condition so it is best to preserve your hearing while it is still intact.

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Treatment for Children with Hearing Loss

Treatment for Children with Hearing Loss

July 16, 2018

Hearing loss is generally associated with the elderly population, which is why children are often overlooked when it comes to hearing damage. In reality, approximately 3 children out of 1000 have either some type of loss of hearing or are born with complete deafness.

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Bring Out Your Earplugs. It’s Summer Time!

Bring Out Your Earplugs. It’s Summer Time!

June 15, 2018

People simply love the summer time. The promise of hours soaking up the sunlight, lounging around outside in the grassy lawns, and enjoying those Sunday BBQs all seem so enticing. Unfortunately, the summer fun may be hard on your ears. Read more to find out how and what you can do about it.

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Traveling With Hearing Instruments

Traveling With Hearing Instruments

May 15, 2018

Going on a vacation is always fun and exciting, but for those with hearing loss it can also be a cause for concern. There are so many factors to consider when traveling with hearing loss, even if you wear hearing aids. Here are some recommendations that can make your next travel plan go as smoothly as possible.

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Approaching Children Regarding Hearing Loss

Approaching Children Regarding Hearing Loss

April 16, 2018

It is commonly believed that hearing loss is a problem of the elderly population in America. This cannot be further from the truth. In America, approximately 12,000 infants are born with some form of hearing impairment every year. This is why it is important to discuss the topic of hearing loss so that they may become more aware of it in order to help themselves or other children in need.

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Getting Accustomed to Hearing Instruments

Getting Accustomed to Hearing Instruments

March 15, 2018

Wearing hearing aids for the very first time can be an exciting yet somewhat challenging experience as you adapt to the sounds that you were unable to hear for so long. Approximately 25% of those who obtain new hearing instruments no longer use them due to their inability to adjust to the changed range of sounds. Hearing aids can really change your life for the better, and with a little time and patience, you too can enjoy wearing your new hearing aids.

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Fatigue Due to Hearing Loss

Fatigue Due to Hearing Loss

February 15, 2018

People with hearing loss tend to feel exhausted due to the constant strain on their ears to focus on the limited range of sounds they are able to perceive. Doctor from the department of Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, reported that people encountering hearing impairment have additional strain placed upon their cognitive abilities as a result of their hearing loss.

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Benefits of Hearing Aids Extend Beyond the Ears

Benefits of Hearing Aids Extend Beyond the Ears

January 15, 2018

Suffering from a hearing impairment can be an emotionally and physically challenging situation. It can have adverse effects on your mental and physical health, vocational productivity, and interpersonal relationships. Treating your hearing loss with hearing aids not only restores your hearing; it also helps you regain an active lifestyle and improve your quality of life.

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Sound and Hearing

Sound and Hearing

December 15, 2017

When people talk about hearing they commonly refer to the term known as “sound waves.” The creation of sound begins with the vibration of particles in the air that result in waves of sound that travel through the atmosphere and into the ears. Once the ear drum receives these sound signals, they also begin to vibrate and convert these vibrations into electrical impulses that are sent to the brain where they are interpreted as sound.

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Batteries for Hearing Devices

Batteries for Hearing Devices

November 15, 2017

Using hearing aids requires you to utilize hearing aid batteries that are available in various shapes and sizes, depending on your hearing aid model. You can check the manual of your hearing aid or consult your audiologist to determine the correct battery size and category for your particular hearing aids.

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The World of Sounds Captured Through Echoic Memory

The World of Sounds Captured Through Echoic Memory

October 16, 2017

People often store their auditory memories through the part of the sensory memory system known as the echoic memory. This particular sensory memory keeps an internal record of the sounds you have been exposed to throughout your lifetime.

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Enhancing Relationships Using Hearing Aids

Enhancing Relationships Using Hearing Aids

September 15, 2017

We are now more aware than ever before that the key to a healthy, strong relationship lies is effective communication. Any relationship can deteriorate due to inefficient communication that can result from hearing loss.

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Conversing Efficiently Despite Hearing Damage

Conversing Efficiently Despite Hearing Damage

August 15, 2017

Every relationship depends heavily on efficient communication in order to be successful, be it your romantic partner, family, friends, or children. Hearing loss can interfere with effective communication and lead to disruptions in interpersonal relationships.

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Refrain From Using Cotton Swabs for Ear-Cleaning Purposes

Refrain From Using Cotton Swabs for Ear-Cleaning Purposes

July 14, 2017

People have used cotton swabs to clean their ears for ages, which is strange, considering the warning sign on the package that clearly states that cotton swabs should NOT be used to clean the ear canal since it may cause injury.

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Genetic Hearing Impairment

Genetic Hearing Impairment

June 15, 2017

Most hearing professionals concur that majority of the cases of hearing loss is a result of some type of genetic abnormality. Developmental experts believe that in developed countries, hearing loss due to genetic predisposition is the most common birth defect.

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Hearing Tests

Hearing Tests

May 15, 2017

People with suspected hearing loss undergo a behavioral hearing test known as the pure tone audiometry. This test explores the steadiness and intensity of the hearing loss and is administered by a hearing care specialist. Results of the test are reported through an audiogram which depicts the pure tone threshold (PTT) of the participant.

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Hearing Aids Are True Value for Money

The Workings of the Inner Ear

April 14, 2017

Your sense of hearing is basically generated from your inner ear. This part of the ear is the final part that sends sound signals to the brain to help us recognize and interpret the sounds we are hearing from our surrounding environments.

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Hearing Aids Are True Value for Money

Hearing Aids Are True Value for Money

March 15, 2017

The Better Hearing Institute (BHI) reveals that investing in the purchase of hearing aids can help you attain several significant returns. Investing in hearing aids can help prevent the loss of income as a result of hearing loss.

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Hearing with One Ear

Hearing with One Ear

February 15, 2017

People are slowly beginning to realize that hearing loss does not necessarily affect both ears. At present, 60,000 people in America have a form of hearing loss known as Single Sided Deafness (SSD), which means that they suffer from a significant hearing impairment in one of their ears.

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Health and Hearing

Health and Hearing

January 15, 2017

Hearing loss is a common problem that affects several million people each year. Any form of hearing loss not only impacts your sense of hearing but also your general health. Hearing loss can be a very isolating experience.

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ReSound Featured on The Dr. Oz Show

ReSound Featured on The Dr. Oz Show

January 10, 2017

As some of you may have seen on social media, ReSound had the opportunity to discuss Smart Hearing™ with Dr. Oz at CES 2017 this past weekend. The segment aired on Tuesday’s Dr. Oz Show, included as part of his summary of the most innovative health care technologies at this year's CES.

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Hearing Aids Enhance Your Life

Hearing Aids Enhance Your Life

December 15, 2016

Effective treatment for hearing loss can help improve the level of communication within personal and professional relationships. Hearing aids can also help you maximize your hearing experience, thereby improving the intimacy of personal relationships, increasing social interaction, and enhancing emotional well-being.

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Smart Hearing – Designed for conversation

Smart Hearing – Designed for conversation

December 05, 2016

The most essential aspect of a hearing aid is its ability to help you hear better. ReSound considers those the audiological (or hearing science) features. At ReSound, they work hard to create features that work just like your first and best hearing device - your ear. That's why they developed Binaural Directionality II – a feature unique to ReSound Smart Hearing. It allows wearers to hear the sounds around them and to focus on what they want to hear – even in noisy environments.

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Signs of Hearing Loss

Signs of Hearing Loss

November 15, 2016

People view hearing loss as a problem faced primarily by the elderly. However, the decline in hearing capacity occurs long before old age since it is a gradual process, thus it may be likely that you may experience hearing loss for years before you start to notice it.

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Significant Developments in Hearing Devices

Significant Developments in Hearing Devices

October 14, 2016

People are often quick to show off their latest electronic gadget, but are often wary of talking about their hearing aids out of embarrassment. Although there are major advantages of wearing hearing devices, people are still reluctant to display them to their friends and family.

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Communicate with friends and loved ones living with hearing loss

Communicate with friends and loved ones living with hearing loss

September 15, 2016

Not sure how to best communicate with friends and loved ones living with hearing loss? Check out these simple tips.

Wearing Hearing Devices Properly

Wearing Hearing Devices Properly

August 15, 2016

Getting new hearing instruments can require you to be a bit patient so that you can grow accustomed to your new hearing world. Over time, hearing loss eliminates several sounds which suddenly reappear as a result of wearing hearing aids, thus these sounds can take some time to get used to.

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